F.A.Q.s + Additional Info


What location should we choose?

Finding a location for shoots can be a difficult task! First, ask yourself what type of environment you are wanting: desert landscape, greenery, inner-city? Another tip for finding locations is to check hashtags on social media platforms. If you visit the #ArizonaPortraitPhotography or #NorthCarolinaPortraitPhotography hashtag on Instagram, lots of images that have their locations tagged will pop up! It is helpful if you have an idea of the type of location you are desiring for your session in mind when reaching out to me. I am happy to help recommend locations based on the style of scenery you are going for.

How long will it take to get our photos?

In 99% of situations, any type of portrait sessions will be returned to you within seven days. If I anticipate a longer post-processing time, I will be sure to give you a heads-up prior.

What should we wear?

The most important thing to consider when choosing an outfit is if YOU feel good in it! When you feel your best, you look your best. When it comes to groups, deciding on a color palette can be very helpful. Pinterest is often my go-to when I need inspiration for a color palette. Decide the level of dressy-casual you are looking for. Consider your location! If your location is somewhere that involves a bit of initial walking, be sure to bring a pair of shoes that are comfortable to walk in until we reach the destination.

"I have so much stuff to bring!"

I totally get this-- especially when you have a fun idea or an outfit change! When it comes to the photos, we do not want a bulky phone or set of keys in your pockets. Bring a bag or tote that you can place all of your belongings into that you won't want to leave in the car. This makes it easier for everyone to keep track of everything!

What exactly am I paying for?

When investing time and money into a photographer, you want to know why prices are what they are-- and I get that! There is the time and travel costs for the photo session on the day of shooting. After the session, I will continue to spend hours preparing the gallery including culling, editing, and retouching. In addition to the actual shooting, there is camera equipment costs, subscriptions for softwares, marketing and business costs, and studio rental fees for studio photography. Photography is an investment, and I do my best to keep prices affordable to many while being able to support myself.

post-delivery editing

Can you fix this?

While I try my very best to make sure the photos are PERFECT when I deliver them to you, sometimes there are images that need a little extra love. Whether I missed something, or an image is a little too light, I am happy to help you get the image looking how you want.

It is important to note that booking with me for shoots include photos being edited to my style. This is why it is important to make sure my style is the right fit for you prior to booking. I will never give out RAW files or unedited files.

Send me a message

Altering/editing photos I provide to you is not allowed.

The work I provide to you is a representation of me. When an image is altered, it is automatically connected to me. It is harmful to my business to have misrepresentations of the products/service I provide. If there is an issue with an image, as stated above, please come to me directly.

Important Info

Anyone booking with me is required to put down a non-refundable deposit towards the shoot at the time of booking.

In cases of emergency, reach out to me ASAP about rescheduling your shoot. If weather permits a problem, I will contact you to discuss prior to the day of shooting.

In the case we are unable to reschedule due to an emergency on your end, the deposit is still non-refundable. Cancellation on my end will result in a full refund.

All packages include full print release to the images. I am not responsible for printing images and delivering them. If you need help, please feel free to reach out to me and I will help you find a place to print them.

Payments can be through cash, Venmo, or Zelle. Payments are required on the day of the shoot.